The Dark Reavers are a UK & Ireland based gaming clan currently focused on World of Warcraft and preparing for Ashes of Creation. Established in 1999, we have a long history and an abundance of experience in a wide range of games spanning multiple genres. Please visit the About page for more info and a detailed history.
Latest News 
- [DkR] Descending on WoW Classic - 15th Aug, 2019 by Darkademic
- [DkR] Teaming up with Goodfellas for Albion Online - 6th Jul, 2017 by Grinn
- [DkR] Ashes of Creation Guild - 6th May, 2017 by Darkademic
[DkR] Descending on WoW Classic
[ Thu 15th Aug, 2019 @ 9:33pm ] by Darkademic

On August 27th [DkR] will be rolling on the EU PvP server Shazzrah for WoW Classic.
At the time of writing we have around 50 members on the roster and will be looking to increase those numbers so that we can attempt some 40-man raids. We'll also be looking to put some premades together to rank up in PvP.
The nostalgia is real, and the hype is real. We have lots of members returning from long ago, who've been with us through a variety of different games, as well as several new members recruited in the last few days. Hugely looking forward to it, see you in game!
[DkR] Teaming up with Goodfellas for Albion Online
[ Thu 6th Jul, 2017 @ 12:11pm ] by Grinn

A large vibrant community like [DkR] is always on the lookout for the next MMO. A small number of people has been interested in Albion Online since the release of beta in 2015. The game lends itself to excellent group play in about every aspect of the game. It became clear during the beta that a bigger group could have a positive impact on the Albion experience. That is why we went searching for a like-minded guild to join forces for this specific game. We are happy to report that come release, we will be fighting and crafting under the guild banner of Goodfellas!
A friendly guild, started specifically for Albion Online, with a motto that we can all get behind: Play the game your way. With a suprising level of organisation for launch and beyond, this guild makes it easy to join the community with Discord as their main source of communication. With about 50 core members (and growing), they have the diversity that is needed in Albion Online. Pve, PvP, Crafters and Farmers are treated ali… continue reading
[DkR] Ashes of Creation Guild
[ Sat 6th May, 2017 @ 4:45pm ] by Darkademic

[DkR] is now looking towards delving into Ashes of Creation, an MMO that has recently built up a lot of hype with a very successful Kickstarter.
The game has been on our short-list for a little over two months of possible MMOs to look into over the next couple of years, and it had the highest number of votes by a fair margin. On that basis, the plan is to gradually build up our roster for the game while looking at other titles in the mean-time, since it's quite a long way off.
I've launched the Ashes of Creation Guildex site as well, with the hope of replicating the success of the very first Guildex for GW2 which has had almost 10,000 guilds registered on it.
Trial of Valor 3/3
[ Sun 27th Nov, 2016 @ 11:38pm ] by Darkademic

Tonight we downed (one shotted) Helya, the final boss of Trial of Valor raid, and made a good start on heroic Odyn. Was a a nice payoff after Thursday's efforts. Well done all!
Emerald Nightmare HC 7/7
[ Sun 30th Oct, 2016 @ 11:19pm ] by Darkademic

After first entering the Emerald Nightmare a little over a month ago we have finally cleared it on heroic mode as a full guild group. Great job to all who attended any of the raids - looking forward to more success!
- Archeage Unchained: ? / Nuia/West
- WoW Classic: Shazzrah / Horde
- WoW: Chamber of Aspects / Horde
- Guild Wars 2: Desolation (Retired)