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Things go 'boom' in the night

[ Wed 22nd Apr, 2015 @ 12:38pm ] by RichEdmonds

There was once the peaceful city of Los Santos, where angels came to greet humanity and the brightest minds meddled with reality. Then came along a group of 30 trigger-happy mask-wielding terrors and chaos ensued. Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PC is readily available and numerous members of the Dark Reavers guild have helped lay foundations for future experiences.

From heists and contact missions to insane custom races and free roam madness, there’s a lot on offer for not only guild members, but anyone who requires a platform to let off a bit of steam – all whist having an absolute blast in the process. Luckily, Rockstar has done a stellar job with the PC port, though certain online issues still need ironing out.

The Dark Reavers crew (GTA’s clan/group system) has already amassed more than 40 members as things get underway and already activities are being drafted up for future events. If you haven’t yet checked out Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PC, we strongly recommend you do so, especially if you’re a fan of the series.

Prepare thy rocket launcher and we’ll catch you in-game.