News Post
New Guild Mansion
[ Thu 25th Jun, 2015 @ 9:38pm ] by Omimace

Yes, we did it! Our mansion is complete. After a lot of effort from many members new and old, we secured a staggering amount of lumber, stone, iron and gilda.
The gilda required many hours of moving trade packs through high risk areas (we lost a few), and on to Freedich. Some coming all the way from Hellswamp and making several pit stops along the way. I personally felt exhausted as I had to be there to hand every one in, some of which took place over 12 hour sessions.
On the day the servers went live with the new design, a handful of [DkR] saw an opportunity whilst the servers were still quiet and we took it. The design was down and construction began using up the hundreds trade packs we had already made which were waiting on neighboring lands.
We were well away, with it ready to be completed 2 hours into servers being live, which would have made us the first on the server with time to spare - however we decided to hold off on the last dozen packs til peak time to allow more [DkR] to be present at its completion. Despite waiting 9 hours we still managed to be one of the first guilds to have the new mansion completed on the server.
To this day we receive comments from other guilds on the mansion, with one guy even trying to buy the thing from me. You still see people often passing by stop to check it out, mainly umbrella corp members. :)
I continue to decorate the mansion as best I can in [DkR]'s style, with AdolfHipster's picture taking center stage on the top floor (one of our members tragically died recently). Again [DkR] can be proud of all the hard work and cooperation.
What's next for [DkR] in Archeage? What awaits us in 2.0 and beyond? We will have to wait and see. One thing's for sure, whatever the journey throws at us we will continue to have fun reaching our destination.
[DkR] - Be a name not a number; community first, gaming second, and we love our games!!
- Archeage Unchained: ? / Nuia/West
- WoW Classic: Shazzrah / Horde
- WoW: Chamber of Aspects / Horde
- Guild Wars 2: Desolation (Retired)