The Dark Reavers are a UK & Ireland based gaming clan currently focused on World of Warcraft and preparing for Ashes of Creation. Established in 1999, we have a long history and an abundance of experience in a wide range of games spanning multiple genres. Please visit the About page for more info and a detailed history.
Latest News 
- [DkR] Descending on WoW Classic - 15th Aug, 2019 by Darkademic
- [DkR] Teaming up with Goodfellas for Albion Online - 6th Jul, 2017 by Grinn
- [DkR] Ashes of Creation Guild - 6th May, 2017 by Darkademic
Current Status
[ Fri 29th Aug, 2008 @ 8:21pm ] by Darkademic
We've had a few of late night public games with a handful of us over the past week or so, but it's still not really enough to call us an active clan. I'm going to try to get some more pub fests sorted and then once the cogs are rotating smoothly I'm up for playing some more matches. I've got some free time now so I can spend some of that free time getting [DkR] going again.
Send me a message over Steam, on the forums, or on the shoutbox if you're still around and up for playing. If we need some more members, I shall be out recruiting whenever possible.
Also, with Warhammer Online out soon (September 18th), I'm going to be spending some time playing that. If enough [DkR] people are interested in playing it, I'll consider setting up a guild on there, otherwise I'm sure any [DkR] members who are going to play it will be welcome in Indig0's MMORPG guild Titans (though ask him first obviously).
TF2 will remain the focus of [DkR] for the forseeable future - as Diablo III and Starcraft II are… continue reading
Site Re-Built
[ Sun 24th Aug, 2008 @ 3:27pm ] by Darkademic
Well folks, over the last couple of days I've been re-coding the [DkR] site and it is now complete. Visually, things are pretty much the same (although tweaked to be a bit neater) but the code is much improved. The schedule page now works in pretty much the same way as the scheduler on Clanhub. Profile pages have been improved, with individual stats now showing on a member's profile.
As for actual gaming, things have been quiet for a while now. I want to get moving again as soon as possible. I'm away until Thursday this week, but after that myself and Soul_Rapture will be trying to get some momentum going.
- Archeage Unchained: ? / Nuia/West
- WoW Classic: Shazzrah / Horde
- WoW: Chamber of Aspects / Horde
- Guild Wars 2: Desolation (Retired)