[ Sat 24th Oct, 2015 @ 5:07pm ] by RichEdmonds

And so here we are. Three years have passed since the initial launch of Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet have just released the first expansion pack – Heart of Thorns. If you haven’t already checked out what’s new in the paid content pack, be sure to head to the official website for some light reading. For everyone else, there’s Mastercard a new Guild Hall to prepare for and more in-game content to tackle.
Do note that Dark Reavers remain on the Desolation server, so you'll need to double-check your account to ensure you're rocking characters on the same realm for World vs. World.
Welcome, O' New One
Should you not be part of our community, we're currently looking to expand our ranks, so do read through our recruitment thread on the official Guild Wars 2 forum for more details. We're not strict on restrictions or requirements, and we're a fairly laid back bunch who put enjoyment first when it comes to group content. If you're looking for a new home, our door is well and truly open.
We tend to… continue reading
[ Thu 25th Jun, 2015 @ 9:38pm ] by Omimace

Yes, we did it! Our mansion is complete. After a lot of effort from many members new and old, we secured a staggering amount of lumber, stone, iron and gilda.
The gilda required many hours of moving trade packs through high risk areas (we lost a few), and on to Freedich. Some coming all the way from Hellswamp and making several pit stops along the way. I personally felt exhausted as I had to be there to hand every one in, some of which took place over 12 hour sessions.
On the day the servers went live with the new design, a handful of [DkR] saw an opportunity whilst the servers were still quiet and we took it. The design was down and construction began using up the hundreds trade packs we had already made which were waiting on neighboring lands.
We were well away, with it ready to be completed 2 hours into servers being live, which would have made us the first on the server with time to spare - however we decided to hold off on the last dozen packs til peak time to allow more [DkR] to … continue reading
[ Wed 22nd Apr, 2015 @ 12:38pm ] by RichEdmonds

There was once the peaceful city of Los Santos, where angels came to greet humanity and the brightest minds meddled with reality. Then came along a group of 30 trigger-happy mask-wielding terrors and chaos ensued. Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PC is readily available and numerous members of the Dark Reavers guild have helped lay foundations for future experiences.
From heists and contact missions to insane custom races and free roam madness, there’s a lot on offer for not only guild members, but anyone who requires a platform to let off a bit of steam – all whist having an absolute blast in the process. Luckily, Rockstar has done a stellar job with the PC port, though certain online issues still need ironing out.
The Dark Reavers crew (GTA’s clan/group system) has already amassed more than 40 members as things get underway and already activities are being drafted up for future events. If you haven’t yet checked out Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PC, we strongly recommend you do so, especially… continue reading
[ Thu 12th Mar, 2015 @ 8:50am ] by Omimace

The Secrets of Ayanad update to Archeage was a success, and more importantly a huge success for Dark Reavers. After over a month of planning we demolished the guild house in Auroria and moved it to the cliff tops of Diamond Shores. Guild members were able to grab lots of land around it and hold off enemy incursions into the area.
Thanks to yet more planning we had already stockpiled the resources necessary to complete construction of the new house, and as a result of a last minute idea we managed to get a group together and establish the first set of crafting benches in Diamond shores. This led to us having the guild house built in only a couple of hours - the first building built on the server.
We then went on to build several guild houses and farms and anyone wandering through the Diamond Shores housing area would have clearly seen the vast swathes of Dark Reavers territory. We had observers both friendly and hostile stop and observe all of our large houses and villas being complete… continue reading
[ Tue 3rd Feb, 2015 @ 10:04pm ] by Omimace

For some time now the Dark Reavers have been working hard learning the mechanics of the rooms of Serpentis. We have beaten Lerman many times and have also started to take on Carmilla. This has been in no small part thanks to the support form other guilds, often letting our members join their raids or supplying our raids with some extra support when needed.
But now the time has come when we are regularly defeating Sirothe the Infernal with a full Dark Reavers Raid. We now have more people geared and familiar with the dungeons than we have slots available, and we are now bringing new fresh recruits and members into these dungeons to experience it and geet some epic loot. :)
Above is a picture of our latest raid downing Sirothe. Next stop for the Dark Reavers: "The Destruction of Dahuta".
Dark Reavers - Always a name never a number!!